Hello friends!
Not sure anyone still follows this but felt it in my heart to update =)
Sammie is doing so wonderful..he is 5, in Kindergarten and progressing very well!
He loves school and gets so excited every moringing when he sees the bus pull up, yes he rides the bus, a difficult decision for me to make but I have to work so he rides the bus. He sits in the front seat with one of the lovely bus monitors and enjoys looking out the window while he rides. The bus staff just love him and are happy to see him everyday!
Sammie has been participating in Medicine Horse for almost a year! He loves it, his horse's name is Miss Lilly. It's been a cold winter but Sammie has been patient with the weather and tolerates riding.
Sammie continues to work on crawling and walking, he needs help to walk but loves to be on his feet and really enjoys going up and down the stairs with help. He also continues to work on communication. He is able to shake his head yes and no and say mamama, bear, apple and cookie. He has different sounds for yes and no but we really attempt to get him to shake his head. He also started using a big kid cup. He is very messy but enjoys being independent! Thankfully he enjoys most foods so he eats pretty good!
Sammie continues to be a sweet, loving little boy. He has blessed me everyday with happiness.
Sammie is getting so big!!!! I love the picture of him standing by his backpack- he looks so grown up! I am glad to hear that school is going so well. Zoe also takes the bus to school and she loves it. I think she may have a serious crush on her bus driver!
I hope you are doing well. We are thinking of going to conference this year. We did not go last year and we missed connecting with people. We'll see...
I love seeing the update. I dreamnt about him a couple of nights ago. He was walking. It was so neat to see him walking. I heard he was using a Big Boy cup. That is great. Thinking of all of you often.
Grandma Bartlett
so good to hear from you guys again. Glad he is doing so good and loves school. Taylor loves riding the bus too. It's the small things that make there lives so happy. I love it.
I am still beaming from seeing him the other day. He is a pure ray of sun light! He certainly is a blessing. He is one incredibly person! (as are you Shannon!) xoxo
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