Hey all..
Just a few updates about Sammie's 6 month check-ups.
Sammie saw Dr. Contampasses, a Developmental Pediatrician. He signed off on Sammie basically because there are already a few aganecies following Sammie's progress and if he signs off then it's one less visit for us! I'm not at all disappointed in this decision..not that I don't like the doc but he's the one that always reminds me how far behind my Sammie is. Like I don't already know! =) So he did one last eval on Sammie and put him developmentally at about an 8 month old level. He signed off and said if we ever needed anything for Sammie that we could contact him anytime!
The Sammie saw Dr. Hubble, Otolaringologist (sp??), and Sammie's tubes look great! The audiologist in Glen's Falls wanted me to ask about an unsedated ABR but Dr. Hubble and the audiologist Sammie saw at Fletcher Allen said he couldn't have an unsedated ABR because of his tubes and they didn't see the need to have and ABR till fall 2010 unless they felt there was more hearing loss. So I'm not really sure why the audiologist in Glens Falls feels the need to have one done!? Oh well..I'll let her know what Dr. Hubble said and go from there!
May 19th he sees Dr. Drucker, Cardiologist and Dr. Hastings, Optomologist in Burlington. Don't know how it worked out that they're on the same day! I love Dr Drucker but I hate going to see her...I'm sure all is well and we will leave with some med increases because he's gained weight..hopefully that will be all to report!
All of his therapies are going well. We are in the process of trying to get a gait trainer for him..trying to get the insurance to pay for it. What a pain in the ass. I want him to have it for the fall. We are also in the middle of trying to get him into an 8-1-2 classroom for the fall. The only one around here is at a place called Pyramids and rumor has it they could be closing. I really really hope that doesn't happen and if it does then I really really hope another agency buys them out and takes it over. A school closing like this could devistate the special needs community. They also have 2 6-1-1 classrooms and a 12-1-1 classroom. A lot of classrooms and a lot of services would be lost. Not to mention a lot of people would be out of work. So we'll hope that doesn't happen and that he'll get in =)
Sammie is still obsessed with turning the pages of books, pulling peoples hair, those stretchy weird balls, and pulling strings! He's been doing such a good job sitting up and rolling over and trying to take steps! His OT brought over some grass seed and Sammie grew some grass. A little green thumb I guess! If you know me then you know I tend to kill plants...not on purpose..I'm just not that good at it. But Sammie's grass is about 5 inches tall and in need of some mowing! haha
We continue to think about and pray for our dear friends Kate and Emma. Sending love to them always and missing little Emma.